Divi pieaugušie mazam puikam dod alu un cigaretes; Vajadzīga palīdzība atpazīšanā

Pic shows: The boy drinking beer.nnA bad dad who made his child smoke and drink - and posted a video of it on the Internet - is being hunted by police in Spain.nnThe clip was posted on Facebook by a user called Daniel Tecu in Romania who asked people to identify the two adults in the video.nnFootage shows the Romanian man sitting with a little boy on his lap and laughing. Another man is filming and initially they both encourage the boy to smoke.nnThe man sitting on the chair puts the cigarette in the child's mouth.nnThe same person, who appears to be his father, makes the boy drink beer and then smoke again. One of them tells the boy "That's what being a real man is all about"nnDoina Dicu: "This man has to lose his parental rights. Child care officials should do something"nnAnother outraged viewe, Mihaela Stanciu, said: "There should be an exam for everyone who wants to have a child. If you fail, you can't have them. Otherwise we'll fill this planet with retarded, degenerate people."nnThe people involved have not yet been identified, but it is believed the incident took place in Spain where there is a large Romanian immigrant population mainly working in farm labour and other low-paid jobs.nn(ends)nn

Pa sociālajiem tīkliem šobrīd ceļo kāds pretīgs un satraucošs video, kurā mazam puikam divi pieaugušie dod dzert alu un uzsmēkēt cigareti.

Fonā šie cilvēki smejās un saka – “lūk ko nozīmē būt īstam vīrietim”! Šo cilvēku atrašanai uzsākta kampaņa. Zināms, ka abi ir rumāņi, un video ir filmēts pie kādas kafejnīcas Spānijā, vēsta DailyMail. Nav arī zināms, vai šīs drausmīgās rīcības “autori” ir puikas vecāki/radinieki.

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